Workforce News

Chamber Connect: Art from the Inside at Creators Space

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02 March 2023

Join the Workforce Innovation Board (WIB) of Ramsey County for an employer networking event and learn more about efforts to uplift fair opportunities hiring for all in our community. In partnership with the Saint Paul Area Chamber and Art from the Inside MN, the event will include appetizers, beverages and the ability to experience Identity2, a powerful exhibit of original works created by men and women serving time in Minnesota’s correctional facilities, that will be on view in the art gallery.

Art from the Inside was started by correctional officer, Antonio Espinosa, who started this project as a way to foster transformation, healing, and forgiveness after his friend and fellow correctional officer, Joseph Gomm, was killed by an inmate. Antonio envisions a correctional system where people come out of it stronger and more resilient than when they entered, supported by a community committed to their success.  

The WIB is sponsoring this event so that registration and parking are free for all attendees.   

For more information and to register, please visit the event page on the Saint Paul Area Chamber website.

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